KFC Plumpton

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies KFC Plumpton. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment, food and meal takeaway. You can find KFC Plumpton at 253 Jersey Road, Plumpton, New South Wales 2761.


Postal address:
253 Jersey Road, Plumpton, New South Wales 2761
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Phone number:
+61 2 9832 4134

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Establishment   Food   Meal takeaway  

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Reviews about KFC Plumpton

  • Gasa
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Avoid this place like the plague. Authorities should visit this place before someone is hospitalised. Ordered my food small wait(that's normal). Ask staff member before driving off that all 3 hunger buster packs that I ordered had their sauces included, absolutely in there I was told! I get home no sauces in any of the 3 hunger buster packs (that's right not 1 or 2 missing all three were missing). Now to the contents that were packed 3 drum sticks appeared to have been reheated a thousand times they were so dry and discoloured they were thrown straight out. Most of the chicken strips were discoloured like they were cooked in very old oil and were also greasy and tasteless they hit the bin too after one of my very strong and foolish relatives tried the chicken strips. Devil wings were ok the potato and gravy were ok as were the chips but not the soggy chicken nuggets, I paid $40 dollars for these items I expected a edible meal but this alas seems to much a task for KFC Plumpton. I have order from here before and there is always something missing or over cooked, I'm sure the policy must be pass off the older stuff that's drying out to drive thru customers KFC thinking they wont come back after driving home. They are right I didn't drive back and they would not answer their phone (they must get plenty of complaints)so if there is no other food store in the world except KFC Plumpton I would probably starved to death like I am now after ordering from them. They got 1 Star because google doesn't allow no stars or minus(which in this case would be appropriate.
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